A couple of purple people standing next to each other on a white background.

Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing

Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing

Here at Pregnancy Care Clinic, we are committed to providing high-quality healthcare services to women of all ages. We understand the importance of accessible and affordable healthcare, especially when it comes to pregnancy testing. That’s why we offer free pregnancy testing to all women who visit our center, regardless of their income or insurance status. Our experienced healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing compassionate care and support, and we strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for all of our patients.

Free pregnancy testing can help you find out if you’re pregnant and help you see the gestational age of the fetus. It can also provide other important information, so you can make well-informed healthcare decisions. If you suspect you may be pregnant but are unsure how to proceed, read on to find out how we can help.

A woman is holding a pregnancy test in front of a doctor.

Symptoms You Might Be Pregnant

Our Free Pregnancy Testing Process

Explore Your Pregnancy Options


[1] STDs during Pregnancy – CDC Detailed Fact Sheet; CDC; https://www.cdc.gov/std/pregnancy/stdfact-pregnancy-detailed.htm; retrieved April 11, 2023

[2] Women; Department of Healthcare Services; https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/Pages/Women.aspx; retrieved April 11, 2023

Contact Us for an Appointment

Are You Pregnant? Contact Us Today!

Contact us to schedule a confidential pregnancy appointment! All services are provided free of charge. You may reach us at the numbers listed below or by texting us at (619) 442-0389. With two convenient locations in San Diego county, you are probably within 20 minutes of one of our locations. East County Pregnancy Care Clinic is located in Santee. San Diego Pregnancy Care Clinic is situated south of the 94 highway and just off of the 805 freeway. Northgate Market is across the street from that location.

Pregnancy Testing Page Contact Us Form

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