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Free Pregnancy Testing near National City

Free Pregnancy Testing near National City

Symptoms such as nausea, mood swings, fatigue, and a missed period don't necessarily mean you're pregnant. These symptoms have a number of causes. You may be under a lot of stress or have food poisoning or a vitamin deficiency.

Even so, it's wise to do an at-home pregnancy test so you know what you're dealing with. If you test positive, you'll want to find out more information so you can plan for your future.


What to Expect

At Pregnancy Care Clinic, we offer high-quality care at no cost. When you come to us for free pregnancy testing, we'll ask some basic questions about your health, family health history, and medical records. If you haven't done an at-home pregnancy test, we'll offer one at no cost. If you did use a test at home and tested positive, we’ll need to confirm it before we can do an ultrasound exam to determine the age of the fetus and see how it is developing. The ultrasound also enables us to determine your due date.

An ultrasound can also reveal if there are problems or complications with your pregnancy. Unfortunately, over a quarter of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.[1] It can be painful to discover that a pregnancy isn't viable, but it's best to know about it as soon as possible so you can prepare accordingly. If we find the pregnancy isn't viable or is ectopic, we'll give you an immediate referral for appropriate medical treatment.

1. Miscarriage. (n.d.). March of Dimes. https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/miscarriage-loss-grief/miscarriage

How to Make an Appointment

To make an appointment, give us a call at 619-326-8595. We're open on Monday from 10am - 4pm, and on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am to 5pm. Our address is 4130 Alpha Street, San Diego, CA.


Our Other Services

Our clinic offers free and fast STI testing for over half a dozen STIs. This test can include a free pregnancy test. Alternatively, you can have it done separately from a pregnancy test and ultrasound exam. All test results are confidential except for instances when we are required to report positive results to the County for contact tracing and follow-up care. If you test positive, we may offer treatment or we'll refer you to a medical specialist for appropriate treatment.

We also offer childbirth classes, parenting classes, and lactation consultations. If you want to connect with other mothers in your local area, we'd be happy to put you in touch with our Moms Helping Moms group.

It may be easy to ignore your body and health if you're busy with work and/or studies. However, paying attention to your health and well-being will enable you to address issues when they arise and make informed medical decisions. If you or someone you know could benefit from our services, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at your convenience. We offer top-tier medical care, personalized counseling, and emotional support to help you review your medical care options and choose the right forms of care for your situation.

Visit Our National City, CA Clinic

Areas We Service

  • La Mesa
  • Chula Vista
  • Lemon Grove
  • Spring Valley
  • Eucalyptus Hills

Contact Us for an Appointment

Are You Pregnant? Contact Us Today!

Contact us to schedule a confidential pregnancy appointment! All services are provided free of charge. You may reach us at the numbers listed below or by texting us at (619) 442-0389. With two convenient locations in San Diego county, you are probably within 20 minutes of one of our locations. East County Pregnancy Care Clinic is located in Santee. San Diego Pregnancy Care Clinic is situated south of the 94 highway and just off of the 805 freeway. Northgate Market is across the street from that location.

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