Can I Take a Pregnancy Test at Night?

Have you missed your period? Do you have sore breasts and/or nipples, feel nausea, experience food cravings and/or aversions, feel moody/emotional, and/or urinate more often than before? These are all common symptoms of pregnancy and most pregnant women experience at least a few of them. Even so, you'll want to confirm that you're actually pregnant [...]

2023-10-18T12:54:10-07:00October 18, 2023|Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health|0 Comments

OB-GYN vs Midwife: How are They Different?

Every single pregnant woman needs and deserves a high standard of medical care and treatment, as well as emotional support and assistance. Understanding the important similarities and complementary differences between an OB-GYN physician and a midwife enables a woman to make informed medical decisions regarding which medical professional or combination to choose when pregnant and [...]

2023-02-01T12:41:23-08:00February 1, 2023|Health, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health|0 Comments

What is the Difference Between STI and STD?

What is the difference between STI and STD? Symptoms such as pain and discomfort when urinating, cloudy urine, discharge, abdominal and/or pelvic pain, fatigue, headaches, and muscle pain should never be ignored. They can be indicators of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD). We break down the exact difference below. [...]

2024-04-30T07:50:32-07:00December 5, 2022|Health, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health|0 Comments

Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms

Pregnancy is an exciting time with the anticipation of a new little one, and the many changes going on in your body. Many first time moms don’t really know what to expect or do when they get pregnant. If you are wondering what your next steps might be, here are some pregnancy tips for [...]

2023-11-29T09:24:46-08:00August 24, 2022|Health, Parenting, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health|0 Comments

Pregnant in High School: What to Do

You probably thought that you would never be “that girl.” Then it happened. You found out that you are pregnant and “that girl” got a lot closer to home. If you are pregnant in high school, there is one very important thing you need to know. You are not alone. Teen Pregnancy Statistics The [...]

My Best Friend is Pregnant – How to Help Her

Your best friend is pregnant. Maybe she shows up on your doorstep, scared and shaking or she might seem almost disconnected as she announces, “I’m pregnant” over lattes at a busy coffee shop. Or she could just blurt out, in the middle of the two of you chatting about your day. Chances are, the confession [...]

2022-07-25T10:15:55-07:00July 25, 2022|Pregnancy, Relationships|0 Comments

Abortion and Men: What are Their Thoughts?

In a society where unplanned pregnancy is largely considered a “female issue” and most of the focus is on the woman, her feelings, and her plans, abortion and men seem like almost contradictory terms. Yet, many men report having very strong feelings on the subject – and being significantly affected by it when they experience [...]

2024-05-31T07:50:50-07:00April 30, 2022|Abortion, Pregnancy|0 Comments

Can Emergency Contraception Pills Fail?

There are actually several reasons a person may think they need emergency contraception. They may think that their birth control method failed, they used their birth control incorrectly, they may have had unprotected sex, or they could be the victim of sexual assault. There are many reasons. The question is, what do you do next? [...]

2022-04-20T14:46:55-07:00April 20, 2022|Pregnancy|Comments Off on Can Emergency Contraception Pills Fail?

Pregnant in College: What to Know

Women attend college because they have plans and dreams for their future, and it’s similar for you. You probably researched various career options, chose a career track that best suits you, and planned out your education to get you to your goal. But then you discovered that you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Being pregnant in college was [...]

2024-06-21T12:54:47-07:00January 27, 2022|Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnant in College: What to Know

What’s My Due Date Based on Conception Date?

When you tell people you’re pregnant, what is the first question they usually ask? It’s typically, “When are you due?” It’s like that was also among the top questions you asked yourself after learning you were pregnant. In this article, we’ll discuss pregnancy and how to determine your estimated due date. Understanding Your Cycle and [...]

2023-12-21T09:21:26-08:00January 27, 2022|Pregnancy|Comments Off on What’s My Due Date Based on Conception Date?

How Soon Pregnancy Test Results Are Accurate

“Am I pregnant?” If you’re asking that question, it can feel like an eternity as you wait for the answer. Or perhaps you took a pregnancy test, and you aren’t sure if you can trust the results. You’re looking at the test stick and wondering if the pregnancy test result is accurate. You may ask [...]

2021-12-07T07:45:13-08:00December 7, 2021|Pregnancy|Comments Off on How Soon Pregnancy Test Results Are Accurate

What To Do if My Partner Doesn’t Want To Be a Parent

It’s difficult to be pregnant if your partner doesn’t want to be a parent. You love your partner, but the two of you may have different plans for the future. You realize that you want to continue your pregnancy, but your partner isn’t ready to be a parent yet. Now you’re wondering what to do. [...]

2021-11-03T13:48:15-07:00November 3, 2021|Pregnancy, Relationships|Comments Off on What To Do if My Partner Doesn’t Want To Be a Parent
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