Pregnant in College: What to Know

Women attend college because they have plans and dreams for their future, and it’s similar for you. You probably researched various career options, chose a career track that best suits you, and planned out your education to get you to your goal. But then you discovered that you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Being pregnant in college was [...]

2024-06-21T12:54:47-07:00January 27, 2022|Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnant in College: What to Know

What’s My Due Date Based on Conception Date?

When you tell people you’re pregnant, what is the first question they usually ask? It’s typically, “When are you due?” It’s like that was also among the top questions you asked yourself after learning you were pregnant. In this article, we’ll discuss pregnancy and how to determine your estimated due date. Understanding Your Cycle and [...]

2023-12-21T09:21:26-08:00January 27, 2022|Pregnancy|Comments Off on What’s My Due Date Based on Conception Date?

How Soon Pregnancy Test Results Are Accurate

“Am I pregnant?” If you’re asking that question, it can feel like an eternity as you wait for the answer. Or perhaps you took a pregnancy test, and you aren’t sure if you can trust the results. You’re looking at the test stick and wondering if the pregnancy test result is accurate. You may ask [...]

2021-12-07T07:45:13-08:00December 7, 2021|Pregnancy|Comments Off on How Soon Pregnancy Test Results Are Accurate

What To Do if My Partner Doesn’t Want To Be a Parent

It’s difficult to be pregnant if your partner doesn’t want to be a parent. You love your partner, but the two of you may have different plans for the future. You realize that you want to continue your pregnancy, but your partner isn’t ready to be a parent yet. Now you’re wondering what to do. [...]

2021-11-03T13:48:15-07:00November 3, 2021|Pregnancy, Relationships|Comments Off on What To Do if My Partner Doesn’t Want To Be a Parent

I Have No Period and a Negative Pregnancy Test — Now What?

It’s very frightening when your period is late, and you think you might be unexpectedly pregnant. Fear quickly morphs into confusion when you take a pregnancy test, and the result is negative — but still no period. Now what? Read on and learn more about why you could have a negative pregnancy test but miss [...]

2023-03-17T08:37:30-07:00November 2, 2021|Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health|Comments Off on I Have No Period and a Negative Pregnancy Test — Now What?

Help When Pregnant And Afraid – a PCC Client Story

She Got Help When She Was Pregnant And Afraid She had three different appointments at an abortion provider, but she was unsure. She was being pressured to choose abortion by her family. She felt getting an ultrasound at Pregnancy Care Clinic was important for her to make a choice.  Watch how she got all the [...]

What To Expect After an Abortion

Are you considering abortion for an unexpected pregnancy? If so, you may have thought about each of your pregnancy options, and you’re doing your best to gather information about what it would be like to choose each one. There is nothing easy about an unintended pregnancy or the decisions you’re facing. In this article, we’ll [...]

2021-08-31T08:27:36-07:00August 31, 2021|Abortion|0 Comments

Physical & Emotional Care After an Abortion

Have you had an abortion and now wondering what to do next? Whether you underwent a surgical abortion or a medical abortion, post-abortion care is vital for your health. The first thing to know is that you’re not alone. Nearly one in four women has experienced abortion by age forty-five [1]. But that fact alone [...]

2021-08-31T08:21:54-07:00August 31, 2021|Abortion|Comments Off on Physical & Emotional Care After an Abortion

Emotional Side Effects After an Abortion

Figuring out what to do about an unplanned pregnancy is not easy, and neither is deciding to end a pregnancy. When a pregnancy is unwanted, women may experience apprehension about their decision and face a wide range of emotions. If you’re considering abortion, the following information is offered to help you make a fully informed [...]

2021-06-10T08:17:04-07:00June 10, 2021|Abortion|Comments Off on Emotional Side Effects After an Abortion

Pregnancy Help Santee

There is little as shocking as finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Your thoughts are racing, and you may feel desperate for experienced guidance to help you sort out your fears and empower you to decide what to do. If you live in or near Santee, Pregnancy Care Clinic is nearby to provide you with just [...]

2023-05-30T07:39:50-07:00May 6, 2021|Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnancy Help Santee

Can You Get PID From an Abortion?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. It is a serious condition and can cause life-threatening complications if left untreated. Medical and surgical abortions may lead to PID. Read on to learn more about PID, signs and complications, and how to protect yourself from PID when you’re considering abortion for [...]

2021-05-04T13:14:49-07:00May 4, 2021|Abortion|0 Comments

Pregnancy Help National City

Where do I turn for help? It’s one of the first questions women ask when they think they might be unexpectedly pregnant. If you live in National City or the surrounding areas, compassionate support is available to you. At Pregnancy Care Clinic, we understand how unsettling it can feel to step into a new clinic [...]

2021-04-02T07:49:29-07:00April 2, 2021|Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnancy Help National City

Are Today’s Abortion Method’s Safe?

You just discovered you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Once the shock settles down, you begin thinking about your next steps. You have three pregnancy options, which include parenting, adoption, and abortion. It can feel daunting to think about abortion, and most women wonder if today’s abortion methods are safe. Like all procedures, there are risks you need [...]

2021-04-01T11:19:25-07:00April 1, 2021|Abortion|Comments Off on Are Today’s Abortion Method’s Safe?

How To Know if You Are Pregnant

Looking at a positive pregnancy test when you aren’t prepared to be pregnant can be really scary. You deserve unbiased and compassionate support to help you take one step at a time and collect all the information you need to make the best pregnancy decision for you. Fortunately, if you live in or around La [...]

2023-05-30T07:40:40-07:00March 25, 2021|Pregnancy|Comments Off on How To Know if You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy Help La Mesa

Looking at a positive pregnancy test when you aren’t prepared to be pregnant can be really scary. You deserve unbiased and compassionate support to help you take one step at a time and collect all the information you need to make the best pregnancy decision for you. Fortunately, if you live in or around La [...]

2023-05-30T07:41:21-07:00March 21, 2021|Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnancy Help La Mesa
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